Monochord - Standing Monochord
The Monochord
The most classical, traditional and ancient musical string instrument.
It all started a long time ago, in the Antique, as a plain diagnostic instrument used to measure tension, frequency or density of vibrations
(also called Sonometer) "reactived" by Pythagoras - well-known as mathematician. The monochord was already mentioned in Sumerian records for 1000 of years.
For us, the Monochord developed itself into wonderful musical equipment.
Today, the Monochord is an amazing, unique harmonic, which is often used for meditation, in clinicalsettings like spa clinics, rehabs as well as in music
and sound therapies.Nowadays, it is simply impossible to wipe out the existence of a Monochord in these applications. It is an enormous enrichment for all:
for you, in your practice, for your patients and customers and wherever "in the field" you may use it.
It is easy! Through it simplicity to play and the growing popularity makes the Monochord even more valuable and appreciated than ever. The high-quality,
double-sided Monochords, I manufacture in my workshop, are all tuned to the same tone. Waves of sounds result in a tremendous harmonic which matched
the impact of a complete orchestra
Our entire range of Monochords, resonating box, cover, sides and small parts, made of natural wood, can be played in a standing as well as in a
lying position. Of course, a custom-made construction completely adapted to your needs, individuality and desires, can be made at your request
at any time. Just contact usA small advice: Just play the Monochord about 10 minutes for warming up. The sounds become far more impressive and intensive, goose bumps guarantee! The monochord displays its full shale of rich overtone harmonic.Visit us, try it out and enjoy.
Instruments with ornaments and motifs
Make your instrument even more unique with a special decoration, sign or ornament at the sides of the Monochord or on the wooden front
part of the soundboard. If should not only please you when playing. It should be delightful to look at too. Talk with us about your wishes
and possible implementation. Some examples.With fine tuning pearls
The hitch pins for fine tuning make a quick retuning possible. You can avoid the retuning by using a tuning key.You can make a readjustment of 1 ½ tunes.