Soundbed Cellosoundbed

Soundbed   Cellosoundbed

Encounter the close and whole-body contact with sound.

A massage bench with extraordinary relaxation repercussion

This special advancement of the Monochord and custom-made instrument, gives you a wonderful occasion to experience overtones and sound waves which are transmitted through the wood. It is relaxing and enjoyable. You are embedded in the sound; the sound carries you away like floating on the water. The impact of the sound goes deeper: it works in a very subtle way full of energy. New Information and sound waves regenerate our energy, remove any obstructions and protect our energy flow against bad influences. On top, the sound is touches our sole and spirit. The feeling of "coming to rest" , just to lean back, allows you to collect new strength and energy.
It takes only a few steps - saving place in the orchestra or in the room - to put the bench in an upright position.

  • Live recording: the Sound Bed at the concert "Klangwelten"
  • Info`s about the  soundbed / children`s soundbed

    Sound Couch: Cello design (33 strings), lying surface 200cm x 75/80cm (approx. 79 x 29,50 - 31,50 inches)

    price 3390 €

    Sound couch: straight shape (33 strings), lying surface 200cm x 80cm (approx. 79 x 31,50 inches)

    price 2995 €


    All Sound Loungers are suited for a weight up to 120 kg.Special sizes: upon request. Additional legs allow you to put the sound bed in an upright position - ideal for concert application. Depending on the position of the hitch pin bridge, you can switch the sound from a low A into E. C sharp is commonly experienced as very comfortable and soothing. Of course, you can create your own sound variety.
    The sound beds and loungers can be manufactured with an additional area to use singing bowls or store tuning forks or other instruments for a therapy session.

    • also as concert instrument in an upright position

      ..also as concert instrument vertical..

    • Soundbed with oval shape..

      ...Soundbed with oval shape...

    • special feet and brackets..

      ...special feet and brackets...

    • Bed with singing bowl support..

      bed with singing bowl support

    • ..for the whole family..

      ...for the whole family...

    • Sound bed especially for singing bowls..

      Sound bed especially for singing bowls

    • sides mounted with wood screws..

      Extra side elements for e.g. sound bowls can be mounted with wooden screws

    • pure desire for sound experience..

      pure desire for sound experience

    pure desire for sound experience also as concert instrument vertical Sound bed with oval shape special feet and brackets Couch with singing bowl support for the whole family Sound bed especially for singing bowls sides mounted with wood screws


  • Birth trauma is a shorthand phrase for the post-traumatic disorder after childbirth and can be released - under guidance of a therapist - to find a satisfying and relieving solution.

  • The fears of life and survival - centred in the "Muladhara" Chakra or root chakra can be relieved and give you the feeling of stability and safety.

  • The sound events, concerts and sound meditations are not only a "hearing" event, they result in a deep and intensive feeling of sound..

  • Panic attacks and states of anxiety can be harmonised.

  • Panic attacks and feelings of anxiety can balanced Hyperactive or short-tempered children wind down and become companionable.

  • Of course, just using it to enjoy and have a good time is the best way to use it for yourself.

  • "RESONANCE" / FEEDBACK about the soundbed

    Since 2008, my wife and I work in our Sound Therapy according to the methods of Walter Häfner, which included among other the use of sounds of the Monochord Sound loungers. Playing the Sound Beds made by Andreas is a plain joy, like the first time we used it. The full, warm and all-round mystical sound is enchanting. In the meantime, my wife and I have 2 Sound loungers, 4 Gong stands, a Monochord and a large wooden pyramid. We are completely satisfied with his way to manufacture the instruments, the instruments themselves, and the service he offers and of course last but not least the sounds of the instruments he created for us. We can recommend him unhesitating. Considering "the spirit of the instrument", we have been lucky to found Andreas who is creating these unique instruments with care and love. Thank you and all the best from us

    Dana u. Tobias Forderer
    Dipl. Soc. Pedagogues and sound therapists.

    The basic frame and the borders of my sound couch were created and constructed by Andreas Müller, according to my specifications. He found a way to fulfil all my wishes. Some of my guests, enjoying the sound couch, feel like their cells are dancing along together. They are delighted as it a pleasant harmony is spreading through their body. I`m carried away by these sounds; they are flooding my whole body.

    Wolfgang Rogg

    Playing a Soundbed

    Instruments to feel and touch

    You can try out and test the instruments in the relaxed atmosphere of my atelier. Feel and enjoy the sounds and influences of music, by playing the instruments.

    Consultation and Advice

    To achieve an optimally, suitable instrument for you, a personal consultation is important.

    I can offer you my long-year of experience and skill, to find the best matching instrument for you. You will get a concise introduction in wood science showing different woods, their sounds and colours as well as how to find the best composition of various components for your personal instrument.

    Buy a Soundbed.

    Quality and perfection at correct, fair prices.

    If you pick up your instrument personally, I will not miss the opportunity to give you a brief introduction and instructions on tuning and care. Shipping: The instruments are well packed and will be sent to you insured.Picking up at the atelier: I would be pleased to give you a briefing in playing, tuning and maintaining your instrument. Shipping: The instruments are carefully packed and sent to you. The shipment is insured from our side.